How to Design your Web Site

How to Design your Web Site

When a customer visits your website, you have roughly ten seconds to capture their attention, so you better think carefully about what you want to include. Some websites go directly into the navigation and content of their websites on their first “index” page. Customers can surf around the site and decide if they want to buy the product or service. This is not really the wisest option available. Of course, every site does need the standard index page chock full of frequently asked questions, testimonials, order form, etc. But there is a better way to “capture” your visitors by using a squeeze. A squeeze page captures your audience with a screaming headline and brief key points about the customer’s problem and how you intend to solve it. Sometimes a squeeze page offers a free report or newsletter. Either way, all squeeze pages purpose is to retrieve the customers name and email address, or sometimes they ask the customer a burning question.

So what is the point in retrieving the customer’s name and email address? Have you heard of opt-in lists? An opt-in list is gold to an internet marketer because you can send your customers information which will hopefully attract the customer back to the website to either purchase a product or service being offered. Spamming is illegal and having a great opt-in list is really necessary to any Internet marketer. You can also use your list to make money as an affiliate with another company. You can send customers an email from the site you are promoting and make profits as an affiliate. This is a great way to earn extra income indeed.

Squeeze pages are sometimes the first page found on a website. Sometimes they are pop ups on the index page of a website. They are very crucial to any Internet marketer’s business.

Motivation - 5 Different Types Of Motivation To Drive You Towards Your Goals

Motivation - 5 Different Types Of Motivation To Drive You Towards Your Goals
By Abhishek Agarwal Platinum Quality Author

Have you ever asked yourself what motivation is? It could be defined as the driving force that leads to an action. There is probably no better definition. It is the encouraging feeling that helps you to work towards your goals. Some of us consciously work towards motivating the self towards working better, while others simply do this automatically.

Some of us make an effort to justify our existence while others do this subconsciously. All of us have different factors that motivate us, so we need to understand that our unique personalities require unique kinds of motivation. Some of the kinds of motivation are as follows:

A. Achievement motivation: All of us have an in built desire to achieve something in life, and what we feel we need to achieve is relative to who we are as persons. What is easy for one to achieve could be difficult to another, but achievement is rarely looked upon as a factor. However, when you have this desire to achieve, and when you recognize it as a driving force, nothing is impossible once you put your mind to it.

B. Motivation from society: Some of us are motivated to do better in life simply because we want to move up the social ladder. Others may be motivated to do something so that they can remain in their peer group. School kids are often motivated to better at academics just so they do not lose their group of friends, out of the fear that they may be held back one year. This is a simple example of motivation from society.

C. Motivation from promised incentives: When you know that you are going to be rewarded for doing something right, you make sure you do it right. This is called incentive motivation. Companies throughout the world offer their employees rewards or bonuses for completing projects before the set deadline, and this encourages the workers to work harder towards the goal. This is an example of incentive motivation at work.

D. Motivation from fear: Companies often use fear of punishment to motivate their employees. This could be looked upon as the opposite of incentive motivation and companies often use both forms hand in hand. While you could be rewarded for doing something right, you could well be penalized for doing it wrong. This is not as negative as it may sound, and is an efficient way of keeping employees sharp, and on their toes.

E. Motivation for change: Some of us are motivated to work hard towards achieving our goals because we are not happy with our immediate surrounding, and would love to see a change here.

As must be evident by now, there are many kinds of factors that you could use to bring about a positive change. What works best for you however, can only be decided by your own self.

Abhishek is a self-proclaimed Personality Development Guru and has written several books on this topic! Visit his website and Download his FREE Personality Development Report and discover some amazing self-improvement tips for FREE. Become the best you can become and reclaim your life! But hurry, only limited Free copies available.

4 Ways to Achieve Whatever Your Want

4 Ways to Achieve Whatever Your Want
By Al Kaatib

Everyone has long list of dreams to be achieved. These dreams can be realized by just knowing and following 4 principles only. These principles are:

  • Faith- Basically, believing in yourself that you can achieve your dreams. This reminded me of famous poem: IF YOU THINK YOU are beaten; You are; But sooner or later the man who wins IS THE ONE WHO THINKS HE CAN
  • Persistence - You should continuously and sincerely work towards achieving your goal. Be persistent in your efforts until you have achieved your dream. Don't be 99% percent achiever. There are many famous stories about persons who abandoned their efforts when they were about to achieve your dream. So, learn from their mistakes.
  • Courage - Life is not a bed of roses. So, your efforts will have many thongs in their way. So, have the courage to overcome them rationally and within time.
  • Indomitable Spirit - Lastly and most important is to have 'Do or Die' spirit to achieve your dreams.

Hope with these 4 principles you will be able to achieve most of your dreams. All the great men and achievers have used these four principles. Following them, you can get anything, be it - money, fame, or any other form of success and happiness. 'Learn from the achievers' by reading the success principles from works of Napolean Hill, Robert Schuller, Norman V Paele and many more. In the end, I would like to state the famous quotation:

Some may succeed because they are destined to but most because they are determined to.

Al-kaatib, a masters in computer science & eng. and a software professional from India, loves writing on variety of topics like computer science, spirituality, and self-improvement. He maintains his blogs at:

Student Motivation

Student Motivation
By Richard Romando Platinum Quality Author

Student motivation refers to a student's interest, desire, compulsion, and need to participate in and be successful in the learning process. It is generally accepted that student motivation plays a key role in academic learning.

Highly motivated students actively engage more in the learning process than less motivated students. Motivated students have a positive impact on learning. They take advantage of a given opportunity and show intense effort and concentration in the implementation of learning process. Also, they reveal positive emotions such as excitement, enthusiasm, interest, and optimism during learning.

On the other side, the less motivated were found to be less interested in participating in the learning process. Most of them were physically present in the class room but were mentally absent. They often failed to actively engage themselves in the learning tasks. Such students were more likely to stop learning. Less motivated students should be guided so as to develop a favorable attitude towards the learning process.

A teacher or an instructor has a significant role in guiding less motivated students. A technique called attribution retraining, which includes modeling, socialization, and practice exercises, is used to restructure less motivated students. Its aim is to help students to concentrate on the learning task without the fear of failure.

There are two types of student motivation such as extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is defined as the motivation to engage in an activity in order to obtain rewards or to avoid punishments from an external source. Extrinsically motivated students undertake an activity for the sake of getting good grades or a teacher's approval. Extrinsic motivation is again divided into two such as social motivation and material motivation. Social motivations include approval of teachers, parents, and friends. Good grades, future education, or job security come under material motivations.

Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity for its own sake, for the pleasure and enjoyment it provides. To be more precise, a student who is intrinsically motivated carries out an action for the learning it permits. Compared to extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation is more desirable as it is the motivation to engage in the learning process for the enjoyment of learning without considering its consequences.

Motivation provides detailed information on Motivation, Daily Motivation, Employee Motivation, Motivation Posters and more. Motivation is affiliated with Christian Motivational Speakers.